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馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因 Empty 馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因

帖子 由 Jackle 周二 八月 24, 2010 10:30 pm

當你看完這段片, 你應該佩服菲律賓的警員訓練, 反恐, 災難應變等有多麼的專業:

有開始在滴汗? 這是什麼鬼的訓練? 中學生開放日的表演比他們強的多!!
還有, 看到他們都有著劃一的豬腩肉?

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注册日期 : 10-01-31

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帖子 由 Keith Li 周三 八月 25, 2010 1:29 am

痴Q線, 似拍戲多D喎, 又唔能認真, 玩玩下, 成班都係大飯桶, 死咁能多人, 就係因為佢地.. 唉,, 教下佢地啦.. jack師父.. war game 邊係咁打架!!
Keith Li
Keith Li

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馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因 Empty 回复: 馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因

帖子 由 Jackle 周三 八月 25, 2010 2:10 am


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馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因 Empty 回复: 馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因

帖子 由 Jackle 周四 八月 26, 2010 2:53 am

基層市民, 中階執法人員, 上至國家領導, 愚蠢... 無知.... 悲哀....

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馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因 Empty 回复: 馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因

帖子 由 Jackle 周四 八月 26, 2010 4:06 am

  Postcripts To A BloodBath
  by Eric Po on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 1:14pm

浴血的回憶 -- 一個倖存者的自述 (我中英文都麻麻, 粗略譯了其中部分比大家了解個大概...)

  Mr. Mendoza was already upset even before he saw on television what the policemen did to his brother. The other tourists who remained inside the bus were complaining. Wei Ji Jiang wanted to go to the bathroom. Dao Chi Yu was hungry and the rest were just groaning and whining like they have forgotten that our lives rest in Mr. Mendoza’s hands. The hostage taker, as you know him was really nice. He treated us okay and even let the elders and the children leave the bus.
可能因為這位持槍者表現相當刻制, 陸續釋放了不少人質, 還在言談間表示最終死的只會是他自己而不會隨便傷害他人, 香港團友有些兒開始放膽起來, 淡忘了自己是人質的身份, 嚷著急尿要去廁所, 肚餓要去吃東西等的撒嬌和抱怨聲音不絕於耳…大家豈曾料到死神已悄然靠近

He said your policemen treated him unfairly. He was a policeman too and was accused of doing something he had no knowledge of. But your government didn’t listen so he used us to get everyone’s attention. Things would have never turned for the worst if he didn’t see how his family was dragged out of their house and taken into custody. He was watching the news all the time as we huddled around each other behind the bus. He shouted some words in your language then started shooting in the air.
持槍者Mendoza的目的很很很是簡單, 為自己工作上受到的"莫須有"申冤, 但當他在車內電視看到自己的弟弟被補和家人被粗暴帶走, 他開始激動地向天(車頂)開槍

A girl about my age started screaming. Mr. Mendoza demanded her to stop but she didn’t understand English. God, he had to slash her neck with a knife just to put her to rest. Her boyfriend who tried to hit him was shot in the head.
團中有個女孩聰到槍聲後受驚不住尖叫, Mendoza要她靜下來但女孩可能是太驚還是不懂英語... 慘劇開始了, 女孩脖子被刀刺傷, 她男友衝上前試圖攻擊Mendoza, 結果是頭上吃了一槍

Tension was rising. You can see in his face how scared and confused he was. The bus driver ran away leaving him alone with strangers from a distant land. I can see him walking across the aisle, sometimes pointing his machine gun to one of the tourists.
But he tried his best not to hurt us, especially those who really cooperate. I guess its in your nature not to inflict pain on others unless it was necessary. I remember him saying that he will free us before sundown and implored us to forget everything when we return home. But his words don’t matter now.
一連倒了兩人, Mendoza也顯得驚徨失措彷彿不知如何是好, 他唯一的同鄉, 之前跟他有講有笑的菲律賓司機這時也趁機逃走了, 可幸是Mendoza沒有進一步傷害我們….

The policemen were trying to force their way in, while we all lied down to shield ourselves from bullets. Mister Mendoza blindly shoots at his enemies which I think kept them from rescuing us. I hear sobs under the chairs. Some were even shouting the names of their loved ones even when the air merely eat their words.
司機逃脫後, 菲警漸漸逼近了車子在外圍尋尋轉, 作為回應Mendoza有點盲目地朝外邊放了一輪冷槍, 車廂之內.... 傷的死的哭的喊的... 一片淒慘

Kevin Tang tried to escape when the glass door was was shattered, but one shot and he slumped on the floor with blood gushing from his mouth. Heavy rain pitter-pattered on the rooftop. In old Chinese saying, it means an end to a struggle. Finally, somebody was able to open the escape hatch at the back of the bus.
突然, 其中一名團友 Kevin Tang 衝向車門試著逃跑可是"砰"的一聲, 鮮血泊泊從他口中冒出, 把通道都染紅了.... 混亂中, 某位團居然成功打開了近車尾的太平門...

Freedom. But I knew Mister Mendoza was still alive. I knew he was just waiting for a chance to strike back at his enemies. So I told those around me not to escape. Let the authorities come for us instead. Then there was gunfire. He was firing at his enemies with a machine gun. Those who were at the escape hatch fled abandoning us once again.
太平門的確開了, 自由! 多麼吸引! 但我們都清楚Mendoza 的槍口也必然瞄準著它, 我建議團友們要忍耐, 警察來救前不能輕舉妄動, 過了一會, 終於看到有菲警由太平門探著身子慢慢試著竄進來, 豈料Mendoza的幾下槍聲, 把這些"驚察"都嚇得屎淋尿賴, 連跑帶跳的逃了…. 我們感覺到再一次被菲警遺棄

It’s like a nightmare with no end and to wake up means a certain death. Then somebody from outside the bus threw a canister. It forced out a black smoke that is so painful to the eyes and putrid smelling to the nose. People started screaming. We cannot breathe. Some ran in front of the bus but Mister Mendoza warned them of stray bullets. It was too late. One was hit on the head, the other was hit on the shoulders. Bullets were now flying. Its like the authorities thought we were all dead.
不知又過了多久, 警方從外邊掉進來一枚催淚彈, 真的好難受, 連呼吸也呼吸不了, 有些團友受不了便走到車的前方以避開催淚煙, Mendoza大聲警告他們要小心警察的流彈!! 但... 太遲了, 走在前邊的幾個團友的有的頭部中槍有的肩部中彈如骨牌般相繼倒下, 警察的槍彈在橫飛亂射, 不分敵我… 他們到底是放棄了拯救還是已經認定我們沒得救?

Mister Mendoza finally admits his mistake and said sorry to everyone, dead or alive. He then ran towards the front of the bus where he would meet his maker. As he passed by my chair with bullets whistling overhead, I clutched my hand on the velvet curtain and wrapped it around my face. All I could think of was to stay alive – for my child who is waiting for me back in Xinjang.
車廂內, Mendoza坦承已經鑄成大錯, 他向我們道歉, 向已死的團友道歉;
最後, Mendoza選擇了.... 也許他和我們都不知道這算不算是一種彌補, 也許這已經是唯一的了結方法---他獨個兒站起來, 向著車頭密集不斷的流彈雨幕迎上去…

 I know I will survive, I will come home.
  -Bang Lu Min Survivor, Quirino Bloodbath

譯篇野譯到自己都好鬼 sad.... Sad

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注册日期 : 10-01-31

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馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因 Empty 回复: 馬尼拉823慘劇的真正原因

帖子 由 Jackle 周六 八月 28, 2010 8:28 am







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